Dr. Maarten Lahr


Postdoctoraal onderzoeker

Maarten Lahr

Maarten M.H. Lahr (1981), PhD, graduated from University of Groningen in 2009 as human movement scientist and behavioral and cognitive neuroscientist, and subsequently was enrolled in a PhD programme at University Medical Center Groningen, department of Neurology, which was successfully completed in 2013. Within his PhD he performed multi- and interdisciplinary research in the field of organisational models for acute stroke care, together with the faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen and the department of Epidemiology and Medical Technology Assessment of the University of Groningen. In 2013 he was appointed postdoc researcher with Healthy Ageing Team UMCG on an European project aimed at setting up and implementing eHealth and integrated care models for chronic diseases. In this period he combined his postdoc position with a position as Managing Director of SPRINT center for research excellence, IMDI programme, ZonMw. Starting July 2016 he works as a postdoctoral researcher at the department of Epidemiology, Groningen. His research focuses on modelling and (early) evaluation of innovations and new treatments in healthcare. Lahr (co)supervised many (international) master students, is (co)-authors of over 20 papers, and is a commission member of the Dutch Heart Foundation. Recently he has been awarded two European grants in the field of eHealth and integrated care for chronic diseases.